10 | 20250204 | 30% or More Change in Sales or Profit/Loss(15% or more in the case of large-scale corporations) | |
9 | 20250120 | Decision on Merger(소규모합병) | |
8 | 20250114 | Organization of Investor Relations Event | |
7 | 20250109 | [Revised]Material Management Information related to Judgment of Investment(박스루킨15주 (Vaxleukin15 inj) 품목허가변경신청 (적응증 확대 및 유효기간, 제조방법 변경)) | |
6 | 20241202 | Material Management Information related to Judgment of Investment(박스루킨15주 (Vaxleukin15 inj) 품목허가변경신청 (적응증 확대 및 유효기간, 제조방법 변경)) | |
5 | 20241120 | [Revised]Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure)(소규모합병 승인 이사회 결의(주주총회 갈음) 결과보고) | |
4 | 20241120 | Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure)(소규모합병 승인 이사회 결의(주주총회 갈음) 결과보고) | |
3 | 20241017 | [Revised]Decision on Merger(소규모합병) | |
2 | 20241014 | Decision on Merger(소규모합병) | |
1 | 20240808 | Material Management Information related to Judgment of Investment(유선종양에 이환된 개에서 수술 후 적용하는 항암병용치료제 (Vaxleukin-15 inj.) 품목허가 승인) | |